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Edged weapons are part of the fabric of our society. They can be found everywhere, they are silent, never jam or run out of ammunition and for many people edged weapons bring on a fear like no other attack. Edged weapon attacks are up close and personal. Many surviving victims of edged weapon attacks will often admit later that they never saw the weapon. Real edged weapon attacks are not West Side Story. Surviving victims describe the sensation of being "punched". They will recall when their attacker left them for dead. How they realized they were bleeding, often by feeling the wetness of their own blood as panic set in and they began to assess the severity of their injuries.
While no one can promise you will never face this situation, we can offer training that will better prepare you to recognize an edged weapon attack, minimize the damage you sustain and survive the incident through proper application of principles, concepts and techniques to include the use of your duty weapons and tactical medical procedures.
Our edged weapons response course is taught by seasoned LEO Instructors who have decades of experience dealing with violence in prisons and in society. They have personally dealt with armed attackers, interviewed victims and assailants involved in edged weapon incidents and investigated the causes of such incidents. In this course, students will learn modern physical tactics skills that best deal with edged weapon attacks and how to manage/control distance, to use barriers and to integrate the tools you carry as a police officer to survive these situations. This is a force on force program with the use of Simunition training, Aku Strike and Shock Knife training aids as well as FX related scenario effects (fake blood).
*Can be combined with our Weapon Retention Course for a 4 day program. Contact us for pricing and hosting a course!
Student Testimonial: “The edged weapon and firearm techniques are the most common sense, logical and risk reducing that I have ever learned.”